
September 11, 2019


Christian Education: How it Will Shape your Child’s Life

If you are like other parents, you have probably heard of Christian schools. However, do you know what it means to have Christian education? Whether it is learning to spell difficult words, learning to run a 300m race, or learning tough mathematical equations, all of these have their ultimate meaning and purpose when framed by the story of God through Jesus.

Every form of education will have a certain perspective on life. Whether it is obvious or not, it will shape the way things are understood and spoken about, the way things are done, and what is picked to be taught. This perspective might be in the form of assumptions on the world’s nature and origin. Sometimes, it can be evident through suggestions on life purpose. All forms of education provide a certain lens through which students see the world and where they are in it. Keep reading to understand more what Christian education is:

Understanding the World from a Different Perspective

With Christian education, children see and understand the world through the perspective of God’s truth. Its lens is the Bible through which students view what exactly they are learning. This lens focuses on students’ thinking on ultimate truth- the world is made and sustained by God. It is focused on helping children know that God has acted in history to deal with the destructions of His creations as a result of human rebellion. Visit if you want to give your child a Christian education.

Focusing on a Christian Way of Living

Aside from being about a Christian way of understanding, Christian education is about a Christian way of living. It informs, invites, and inspires students to follow Jesus and dedicate their lives to serving God. A Christian school that offers Christian education teaches this way of life each day through all what they teach and do. The school does this in a setting where there is a community of love and learning between children, parents, and teachers.  It recognizes the ultimate responsibility of parents to educate their kids towards a biblical way of knowing and a Christian way of living. The community established in the school is a partnership with parents the school sharing in such a vision.

Christian schools exist due to the existence of faithful parents. The school welcomes the involvement of parents which they find crucial for the school’s survival. They allow parents to partner with their children’s teachers to give the best education their children deserve.

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