
What are the Most Common Japanese Words You Should Be Aware About?

Learning Japanese is surely a daunting task, but it never hurts to learn the basics of it. You can go through some of the basic phrases, and if you wish to delve deeper into the language, consider hiring a Japanese tutor. Read on for the basic words.

  1. ありがとうございます

Pronunciation:  arigatou gozaimasu

English translation: Thank you

  1. お願いします

Pronunciation: onegaishimasu

English translation: Please

  1. すみません

Pronunciation: sumimasen

English translation: Excuse me.

  1. はい

Pronunciation: hai

English translation: Yes

  1. いいえ

Pronunciation: iie

English translation: No

  1. ごめんなさい

Pronunciation: gomen nasai

English translation: I’m sorry.

  1. わかりません

Pronunciation: wakarimasen

English translation: I don’t understand.

  1. 日本語がわかりません

Pronunciation: nihongo ga wakarimasen

English translation: I don’t understand Japanese.

  1. 英語を話せますか?

Pronunciation: eigo o hanasemasu ka?

English translation: Can you speak English?

  1. もう一度お願いします

Pronunciation: mou ichido onegai shimasu

English translation: Could you repeat that, please?

  1. _______ はどこですか?

Pronunciation: ______ wa doko desu ka

English translation:  Where is _____?

Places you can use in the blank, and their translations:

  1. police station = 交番 (kouban)
  2. convenience store = コンビニ (konbini)
  3. hotel = ホテル (hoteru)
  4. bathroom / toilet = トイレ (toire)
  5. いくらですか?

Pronunciation: ikura desu ka?

English translation: How much is it?

  1. ______ はありますか?

Pronunciation:  ______ wa arimasu ka?

English translation: Do you have ______?

  1. ごちそうさまでした

Pronunciation: gochisousama deshita
English translation: Thank you for the meal.

  1. どこでインターネットを使えますか?

Pronunciation: doko de intaanetto o tsukaemasu ka?
English translation: Where can I use the internet?

  1. いらない

Pronunciation: iranai

English translation: I don’t need it.

  1. いらっしゃいませ

Pronunciation: irasshaimase



Pronunciation: irasshai

English translation: Welcome