
June 23, 2021


How to Help Your Teen Adjust to a Socially Distanced School

The pandemic has had a big effect on how schools operate. Kids are no longer able to sit in classrooms without masks or in close quarters to each other. This has had an impact on their mental health as socialising with friends and interacting during class is an important part of school. This article helps kids to adjust in school where the board had made socially distancing part of the school day.

Explain the Situation: Your teens should know that just because they have to keep a distance when in school, it does not mean they cannot interact with their friends or peers, it just has to be done safely. They do not have to distance themselves from everyone and not speak to anyone throughout the day. They can still enjoy interactions with their friends by keeping a safe distance and always wearing a mask. Faculty at Niva American International School understand that the new regulations make things difficult and that is why they encourage parents to talk to their teens.

Taking Care of the Mask – Many people forget that they must take care of the mask while in school. It could become contaminated if you leave it lying around on chairs or desks. When you are not wearing it, place it in a designated paper or plastic bag, so nothing can get near it. Before touching your mask, it is important to wash your hands.

Safe Social Connections – Dealing with teenagers means having to get used to boyfriends and girlfriends. There is no easy way to handle this, and it all depends on how you feel about the situation. When discussing this topic, you must remember that it is part of their social development, so be careful when making rules.

Large Groups: Make sure your teen understands that large group gathering are off the table. Mixing in large groups can put them and the whole family at risk. Depending on your parenting style, you can use certain strategies to reinforce this. Be careful though as an authoritarian approach can backfire and cause problems with your relationship.

It is important to keep communication lines open between you and your teen. You must try to understand them as best as you can as it is a challenging period in their young lives. Look for the silver lining and make sure they understand that this is not a permanent thing as the vaccine will change the environment.

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